Articles of Faith

1. We believe in one true and living God, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. We prove this from IJohn 5:7 and St. John 10:30.

2. We believe in the scripture of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God and the only rule of faith and practice. IITimothy 3:16.

3. We believe that God elected or chose His people in Christ before the foundation of the world, that they should be holy and without blame before Him in love. Psalms 33:12, Eph. 1:4.

4. We believe in the doctrine of original sin and man's impotency to recover himself from the fallen state he is in by nature by own free will and ability. Romans 5:12 and St. John 6:44.

5. We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. I Cor. 1:30 and II Cor. 5:21.

6. We believe that God's elect shall be called effectually, regenerated, and sanctified by the Holy Ghost, and shall be preserved in grace and never fall away. Heb. 2:11 and Jude 1.

7. We believe that baptism is by immersion (Acts 8:38 and Mark 16:16) and that the Lord's Supper and baptism are ordainances.

8. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and general judgement, and that the punishment of the wicked shall be everlasting and the joys of the righteous will be eternal. Matthew 25:46 and St. John 5:28-29.

9. We believe that no minister has the right to administer the ordainences only such as are called of God, as was Aaron, and come under the imposition of hands by a presbytery and in fellowship with the church of which he is a member. Lev. 8:12 and Hebrew 5:4.

10. We believe that God has ordained good works that his children should walk in them, and good works are only such as God hath commanded in His word, not such as without the warrant thereof are given or devised by men out of blind zeal or upon pretense of good intentions. Eph. 2:10 and Titus 3:5.

11. We believe that the washing of the saint's feet was ordained by Christ, to be done by His children in a church capacity until His second coming. St. John 13:5 and Timothy 5:10.

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